Monday, May 24, 2010

Laundry Fairy?

If anyone finds the laundry fairy could you please send her my way?? I think all my little laundry gremlins ran her off LOL...there is never a shortage of laundry to be done around here. Considering Abby and I mainly sit around the house you would think we wouldn't have all that much...and hubby of course always has piles of work clothes and uniforms. I just had to take a quick break this morning and check out all my websites. I have become a total mamabargains addict!! I made my first purchase a few weeks two ADORABLE Lubies for Abby...and now wish I had gotten more. Then I got a Woombie thinking it might work since the Swaddle Me didn't...the Woombie was at a total steal and I told myself to get two....but only got one cause I hated to waste money if it didn't work. Abby slept in it for the first time last night.....she slept ALL night!!! LOL now I'm stalking mamabargains hoping to find this awesome deal again. I even get updates on my blackberry now...yes I know...its sad but true LOL

Oh well....not much else going on...we're still thinking about moving....and my craft projects are still laying in bags in the floor...I honestly don't think I'll ever get a chance to get started. I'm keeping my fingers crossed though!!

Back to tackling the mountains of laundry!!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Oh My...

LOL I just realized how much of a loser I am...I have one follower to this blog and none to my family blog....guess I don't have anything interesting to say LOL

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Interesting New Book

So I was checking out the blogs that I follow (both with my craft blog and my family blog) and came across a giveaway one was having. The blog The Review Stew posted a review about this awesome new book called Still the sounds so interesting, I can't wait to read it. Not only did they post a review but they are also having a giveaway to win a copy of this fabulous book!! You should definitely head over and check it out...make sure to take time to enter, this book sounds like a winner!!

New Blog and Giveaway I Came Across...

So I came across this awesome new blog last night and not only is it a great blog but she's having a giveaway right now! The Blog is 29 and Holding... and the giveaway is for shirts from Cafe Press! Now, if you don't know about Cafe Press you are so missing out!! They have such adorable shirts, something for everyone and tons to choose from. I purchased several a few years ago when hubby got ready to deploy :) These shirts are a fun way to really express yourself!! You can check out the blog and find out more about this fabulous giveaway here, it's definitely worth the time!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

It's been awhile...the baby is here!

So I admit, I lost track of my blog for a few months. I hadn't really gotten into the whole "blogging" thing and I never could remember to post updates...then again, I don't think many were keeping up with my blog so it's not like I let anyone down lol. Alot has happened since my last post...ALOT. The months of my pregnancy came to an end and it was finally time! I had several complications towards the end of my pregnancy...high blood pressure, etc and ended up being put in the hospital several times. Then during my 38wk appointment the doctor noticed that baby was measuring I went for an ultrasound to see just how big she was and next thing I know I was scheduled for a c-section the next day!! We arrived at the hospital at 5:30AM and I got all settled into my room, got my IVs hooked up (I had to be on antibiotics) and then it was nothing but wait. The doctor came in the check on me a few hours later, I was still only at a 1 almost a 2, he attempted to break my water and we would continue to up the pitocin and just wait. And wait...and wait...and wait. I never started to feel contractions but I had severe back pain so they gave me something to help with that.....still nothing but waiting...every time I was checked I was still only about a 2. They finally decided to have my epi started....a little later the doctor was back and this time was able to really break my water. Hopefully not too much longer now!!!!...................................... over an hour later and nope....nothing new. It had been a long day and I tried to nap when possible. We finally turned on the news and come to find out severe weather was headed our way!! Tornadoes and everything. About that time the doctor came in to talk with us about our options....and suddenly the hospital intercoms announce a code Black...I have nurses rushing into my room grabbing my IVs and getting my bed out the door....the tornado sirens were going off!!! While we were in the hallway my doctor talked with us about either continuing to wait or opting for a c-section...and he honestly felt that after so long that things were simply not going to progress since I was still only at a 2. The decision was made and preparations began for the c-section. I went in at 7p and at 7:41 Abigail Nichole was born!! 8lbs 11 oz....the doctor said we made the right decision cause she had not dropped one bit and she wasn't going to fit anyways.

We spent a few days in the hospital...while Abby was perfect I had a few complications following the c-section, even ended up with a blood transfusion :( We finally came home and I continued to have alot of complications. Now, 7wks later I'm doing better and Abby is great!! She is growing so much each day and changing so much!! She's so alert and loves to hold that head up...her daddy calls her a bobble head LOL. She has been a wonderful baby from the beginning...we had a few problems with the formula but we think we have her on the right one now! I could go on and on but this post is long enough for now. Plus I'm trying to get some of the laundry done while Miss Abby naps. I'll post again soon. I plan to keep up with my blog more now!!!

Monday, November 9, 2009

It's a Girl!!

I always seem to forget to post an updated blog. Anyways, we're having a girl!!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Wonderful News!

We can finally share our wonderful news with all our friends. We're pregnant! We are truly blessed and so excited. We had our first ultrasound two weeks ago and heard the heartbeat...I was so emotional I started crying. Not much to blog about right now...overcome with emotions plus alot of morning sickness. Plus I'm really tired so I'll add more tomorrow. Just wanted to share our news!